Your Way to Safe and Functional Electrics on Board

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Your Way to Safe and Functional Electrics on Board

Start Your Journey Today

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With Lars, you are in safe hands

Lars is the main man behind My Boat Electronics with over 20 years of experience in servicing electricity and electronics. Through the company prokyon, he has serviced everything from small leisure boats to luxury yachts and large commercial vessels in Denmark and abroad.

Together with the family, Lars started a platform for online teaching as an extension to many years of lectures on electrical safety in local sailing clubs.

Through Lars’ teaching, you will gain greater knowledge and overview of the electrical system on board.

Read Lars’ story here


Ramiro and Blanca

We just finished watching your tutorial. We think it is brilliant and we have increased our knowledge on marine electrics.
Thank you very much.


In my opinion Lars struck an excellent balance with his teaching of the course.  It was interesting and informative for me as an engineer and I also believe it gives a good introduction and insight for the boat owner, into their boat systems and how to keep them working safely and in good condition.  


Many thanks for the Webinair, very informative


Excellent Lars. A great programme. Learned a lot in those 3 hours. Really great.


Many thanks. A useful review of electrical issues.

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